电磁储能和光热储能综合效率高,但尚处于技术开发阶段。电化学储能性价比高,已经进入商业化阶段,随成本的逐渐降低,电化学储能将是储能主要的应用类型,储能电池选型分析也尤为关键,如图3所示为不同储能电池类型特点分析 [9,10,11] 。
关键词: 储能电站, 经济效益, 补贴, 融资租赁, 风险分析 Abstract: The economic benefit of energy storage projects is one of the important factors restricted the application of energy storage systems s business model is closely related to the investment economic analysis. Given the structure and profitability of an energy storage project the relevant economic