Nature Energy. Read our July issue. This month we look at flexible organic solar cells, energy returns for renewables, high-resolution data for climate models, and
Nature Energy is an online-only journal interested in all aspects of energy, from its generation and storage, to its distribution and management, the needs
储能或储能技术指的是把能量储存起来,在需要时使用的技术。储能技术将较难储存的能源形式,转换成技术上较容易且成本低的形式储存起来。例如:太阳能热水器将光能(辐射)存在热水(热能)里,电池将电能存在电化学能里。 一般当可再生能源的发电占比低时(例如20%以下),原有电网中作为尖离峰用电调节的负载追随电厂(英语:Load following power plant)(例如:燃气发电