奥地利政府2024-08-07 启动了一项3600万欧元的退税计划,用于小型太阳能+储能装置。三分之二的资金将为屋顶光伏发 电储能提供1200万欧元的补贴。 该计划由OeMAG能源机构管理,为房主提供每千瓦250欧元的太阳能屋顶发电容量和200欧元每千瓦小时的存储容
Telling a 700R4 apart from the 200-4R is thankfully quite easy, and doesn''t require you to look under the hood. The 200-4R comes with a unique-looking 16-bolt transmission pan, much like the 700R4 and 4L60 but completely different in design. The pans on the 700R4 and 4L60 are square, whereas the 200-4R tapers off on one side.